Alongside unprecedented challenges (there, got that out of the way), the Covid-19 crisis also presents unprecedented opportunities to set ourselves apart by staying true to our values. Businesses will be judged, among other things, on our resilience and grace, and how we treated our customers. It would serve us well to remember the three Rs.
In the face of uncertainty, customers seek Reassurance.
They want to know that despite everything going on, their investment in your brand won’t cost them heavily, that the expectations they signed up for will be met, that they won’t have to regret choosing to do business with you over your competitor.
But how do you provide answers when you don’t necessarily have them and may be facing challenges of your own?
It can seem impossible to address specific customer concerns when you and your teams are experiencing the same circumstantial uncertainty as your customers.
However, it’s helpful, and important, to step back and understand the real, underlying question on their minds. Can they still trust you? What will your team do to support them during this challenging period?
Strengthen Relationships with transparency and humility.
Acknowledge your customers’ concerns even if you can’t address them.
Simply admitting to not having all the answers, yet having every intention to do right by your customers can open the doors of trust, understanding and empathy.
This is true not just for these extreme Covid-19 times but for any crisis when businesses are expected to provide answers and reassurance.
You may not be able to guarantee the outcome, but if you intend to honor your commitments, communicate with transparency as the situation evolves, and genuinely serve the best interests of your audience, then say so. Explicitly and earnestly.
Customers may veil their fear of the unknown behind questions, but they don’t necessarily expect answers. Often, it’s silence they fear the most.
Reach out and be reachable.
When uncertainty looms, let customers know that you won’t abandon the ship.
They just need to hear from you. They need to know you hear them. Craft your version of reassurance rooted in honesty and transparency.
Communicating during a crisis is more than empty words, boilerplate messaging and superficial hand holding. It’s an opportunity to demonstrate the heights to which you and your brand will rise in the face of adversity.
When the territory is uncharted, the opportunities are endless too.