
Big picture. Little details. And everything in between.

Not all marcomm pros get to toggle between strategy, copy, content and communications. Just the lucky ones.


A marketer with 15+ years of experience, my work is a rewarding hybrid:
driving content strategy and thought leadership on one hand; writing, communications, dotting the i-s and crossing the t-s on the other. What aspect of my work are you interested in?



Learn more about my brand and content strategy experience, marketing communications campaigns, thought leadership and crisis navigation : Portfolio - Strategy & Communications

Thought leadership is more than a buzzword. I’ve helped company presidents, CEOs, C-suite leaders and brands big and small craft and communicate their strategic vision, build relationships with customers, earn trust and win loyalty through an authentic, transparent and fearless approach. Situations I have helped navigate include global crises such as the fallout from Covid-19, the uncertainty around the potential trade war and tariffs, company ownership change, online reputation management, to name a few. My strength is that I genuinely care to connect with the context, content and audience, have developed a knack for knowing when to overcommunicate and when to hold back, and believe in transparency and honesty. I am fearless when it comes to speaking my mind for what I believe is the right approach or strategy, even when it is not the popular view or what the boss wants to hear.


View examples of my work from a variety of mediums, channels and projects: Portfolio - Marketing

From crafting email subject lines, CTA buttons, social media captions, product blurbs and C-suite bios to curating, editing and producing 50-page magazines, 500+ page catalogs and videos, I have had the privilege of working on a range of incredibly fun and rewarding projects. I love what I do, am grateful I get to call it work and cannot believe I get to wake up and do it everyday! I hope you can tell how much I enjoy what I do from my portfolio.